Can't believe it's April already. Where does the time go? It seems like I've been in hibernation for 3 months since it's been so cold, too cold for my skinny self but I'm ready to burst out and do so much more spring cleaning, quilting, and yard work and planting my tomatoes and peppers for this 2011 season and the list goes on and on. Just finished two quilt tops for the local quilt shop now I can complete the rest of the 30 pineapple blocks for the pineapple quilt. I'm almost done with them. Only two more times around the 25 squares left to go. It's a lot of sew, press, cutting, over and over but I love doing it. Now I need to start on my Civil War Chronicles block of the month. It's already April and I've not even started on it yet. Sigh. I"m not going to fret over it though. I'll get to it eventually as I do enjoy the journey. :)
Here is Winter Picture Frame, shop sample number one I completed. It's quite pretty even though winter is over now. Thank goodness I didn't think it'd ever end!